Reducing windscreen glare

With the British summer truly underway, you may have been doing a little more driving than usual, and you may have noticed some new windscreen issues appearing. This includes windscreen glare. But what is glare, and what problems does it cause?  And what are the most effective options for reducing windscreen glare?

What is glare?

Glare on the windscreen is incredibly dangerous. It is essentially a bright light, that is almost impossible to look at and really reduces your visibility. And as a result, you can easily swerve off the road, or into another motorist. So reducing glare, especially now the sun has returned, is an important part of your vehicle maintenance.

What are the most common causes of windscreen glare?

Glare can be caused by sunlight, or from the headlights of other drivers. But instead of passing straight through the windscreen, these light rays are diffracted causing the rays to spread out. This happens for a number of reasons, including:

  • scratches on the windscreen
  • dirt and grime on the inside of the windscreen
  • condensation on the inside of the windscreen

What are the effective options for reducing windscreen glare?

So what can you do to prevent or reduce windscreen glare? Well, regularly cleaning the inside of your windscreen is a great place to start. This will stop any dirt building up, or creating layers. These layers are what causes the diffraction, so the less layers there are, the less glare there will be.

In addition, you should make sure you get a professional to take a look at your windscreen scratches. Repairing these can make a big difference to the glare you are experiencing, and as a result, could save your life.

For more information or advice, get in touch with the leading windscreen repair experts today, here at Red Rose Windscreens.